CDL Consulenza e Direzione Lavori SA was founded in 2007 by Massimo Greco.
Its primary activity since its inception has been Works Management, but over the years it has also addressed architectural design, project management and cost control.
CDL believes in the social value of architecture and therefore promotes design that integrates with the existing area, respecting its morphology and historical values. This results is forward-thinking architecture without forgetting its roots, and which aims towards a certain level of living comfort and a low impact on the environment.
Die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, die uns auszeichnen, sind Zuverlässigkeit, Kompetenz und Professionalität, die immer auf die Zufriedenheit des Kunden abzielen.
CDL SA also aims to favour local business, believing this to be a duty of Swiss, and in particular ticinese, entrepreneurs.
Key values are realiability, competence and professionalism, always geared towards client satisfaction.
CDL SA stellt auch das Ziel vor, die Lokalen unternehmen zu begünstigen, dass eine Verpflichtung des schweizer Unternehmers und insbesondere eines tessiners ist.
CDL SA si pone inoltre l’obbiettivo di favorire le imprese locali convinta che sia un dovere dell’imprenditore svizzero ed in particolare ticinese.
Le principali caratteristiche che la contraddistinguono sono l’affidabilità, la competenza e la professionalità sempre indirizzate alla soddisfazione del Committente.